Atlanta Birth Photographer | The Importance of Discretion

I had a client ask me a question today when they came to the studio for their consultation for The Birth Session. It was a simple question. They asked me, "What makes you different from other birth photographers besides your shooting and editing style?" Obviously, there's not just ONE answer to that question, but I wanted to touch on one of the answers that I gave them because I think it's so important that anyone considering birth photography take the following into consideration - whether they're here in Atlanta looking for a birth photographer or not! 

When you hire me as your birth photographer you can take comfort in the fact you are hiring someone who understands the importance of discretion and respects your privacy - and places that at the forefront of your entire experience from beginning to end. 

(1) I won't share identifiable images of you or your baby online unless I am specifically requested to. I never identify clients by a searchable name on my website. Some of the names that I use aren't even the real names! It's a very small world. Would you want a future potential boss of yours or your husband to see your labor and delivery or private moments between your new family? These are things that new expectant parents don't think about. Once it's out there on the Internet, you can never erase it. 

(2) Your baby's private parts will never be shown in a photo, even if it's unidentifiable. Unfortunately, we live in a world where we have to worry about this. I see far too many birth photographers sharing photos with baby bits prominently shown. I am a mother of two little girls, so needless to say - seeing images violating the privacy of a minutes old baby saddens and angers me. 

(3)  I do not require a model release to hire me. There are some birth photographers that will NOT accept you as a client unless you sign a model release. This is their right as a business owner to require, but it's also your right as a client to have privacy. So, if privacy is important to you, make sure that a model release isn't required and that they will not share any images without your express permission. 

The truth is: I have so many amazing and emotional birth images that I would love for potential clients to see - but it's not my birth. It's yours. You, your partner, and your baby deserve the utmost privacy, respect, and discretion. Did you know that roughly 75% of my births are not shared online anywhere in any form?

(4) I never share links and passwords to birth films with inquiries or people who ask. I can tell you that I have run into midwives and doctors who were in attendance that ask if they can see the photos or video. I inform them that they must ask their patient and that I am not at liberty to share. Additionally, all potential clients who inquire must come to the studio to meet with me for a consultation.  These potential clients can then view birth films that I have been given permission to share - and they view them sitting right next to me on my iPad. There is no danger of your private moments being stolen and shared with the world. 

Ready to book your birth session? I am completely booked for 2015 and have already filled my calendar through March 2016!  Contact me today to schedule a consult for The Birth Session, and watch this short 1.5 minute film to see what the experience of working with me is like. I can't wait to meet you and capture one of the most amazing days of your life!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Birth Photographer | The Birth of Caroline

I'm an Atlanta birth photographer, and I love documenting birth stories! This couple was such a sweet couple, and they were expecting their third baby... a little girl after two boys. To say they were excited would be an understatement. When I arrived, I silently sat in my corner of the room as Lauren and Russ worked together as a team to bring baby Caroline into the world. It was very special to watch, and the look of elation on Lauren's face when Caroline was placed on her chest was so beautiful. That look is the look I see in every birth... the mixture of overwhelming joy, relief, excitement all blended together in one. Birth is a transformative event in the life of a woman, no matter if it's their first baby or their fifth! Lauren and Russ had invited Lauren's mom to come to the birth, and it was so special to see her mother's reaction. It was love at first sight for all of them! 


If you are considering reserving The Birth Session, please contact me right away. I meet with all interested couples in my studio for a no obligation consultation for about an hour. Want to know what it's like to work with me? Watch this short film which will give you a very good look at my personality and how I work. Every single client who has seen this before coming to meet with me has stated it depicts me perfectly.

 Fill out this form here to get started! Birth photography is very a personal experience. Your baby's birth only happens once. The Birth Session is an investment: I want you to be confident in your choice! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.